Wednesday, February 3, 2010

8. Administration

The principal has been the nicest person at this school at all times. He doesn’t speak any English, but if you manage to tell him (through translation programs or whatnot) you have problems he will come to your aid. Use sparingly though, it’s not culturally advisable and pisses off your co-teachers something awful. The co-teachers like to think that they are controlling you, and keeping you quiet to their games and shenanigans. I shook things up a bit here and there. He’s the trump card, but can only be used sparingly.

The vice principal is a mean spirited and otherwise annoying man. He will try to get you to bow to him and the principal when you arrive at work and when you leave. Do not do this. He will generally reject any requests that you make, such as being able to go home (when not doing anything for the summer afternoons) or going on some cultural trip that may cut into your work schedule. He speaks broken English, but I generally pretend to not understand him out of spite. The principal will grant your requests, so if at all possible ask him somehow, maybe after the VP’s rejection, since they are very much into their hierarchy system here.

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